WHITACON (PTY)有限公司于1990年成立于博茨瓦纳哈博罗内,是一家国际建筑施工公司。主要从事工程施工,房屋建筑施工,以及道路建设施工等工作。随着公司多年来不断的发展壮大,现已分别于赞比亚,肯尼亚成立了分公司,且都已取得了良好的发展。
WHITACON ZAMBIA LIMITED 赞比亚分公司于2012年10月成立于赞比亚首都卢萨卡。本公司拥有赞比亚一级房建资质及二级道路建设资质。公司内设行政部,财务部,工程部,拥有各类中大型机械设备,现有中方从业人员30人,外方从业人员近200人。多年来本公司不断加强内部管理,积累丰富施工管理经验,自始至终坚持信誉至上,产量第一,安全生产,文明施工的原则,树立了良好的社会形象,赢得了较好的经济效益和社会信誉。
Established in 1990, Whitacon (Pty) Ltd Headquarter is situated on Plot 11902, Mogoditshane, Gaborone, Botswana. Founded by Mr. Xiaoxing Qiu (aka. David Qiu), Whitacon (Pty) Ltd grows into an international construction firm with a good reputation in fields of construction, building, road and infrastructure development within Zambia and Botswana.
Whitacon Zambia Limited was incorporated in Zambia in October 2012 so as to gain an in-depth development of Zambia’s engineering market. With its office located at Plot 34421/M Off Mungwi Road Lusaka West,Lusaka, Zambia, Whitacon Zambia Ltd specializes in Building Construction, Road Construction, Infrastructure Development, Civil Engineering Works, Design and Build Projects, Renovations and Maintenance Works. It has duly registered with NCC in category B Grade 1 and in category R Grade 2 in Zambia at the present moment.
Whitacon Zambia Limited has opened a bank account No.71 (USD), No.98 (ZMW) in head office of First National Bank, and NO. 00 (ZMW) and NO. 00(USD) in Head office of Standard Chartered Bank Zambia Plc, and is still working with the headquarter accounts for support purpose in Botswana.